HypeGirls is girl-powered team of creative, culture saavy and education obsessed millennial moms and moms to be! 

Too keep it simple, we create unique content and events that cater to the wellness of women – especially millennial moms. We also are the proud curators of our online boutique, ShopHYPE! ShopHYPE features our own unique accessories, stationary and tees all dedicated to the feminism and motherhood. We also sell emerging designer clothing, custom charity pieces and vintage finds for all sizes. We are deeply committed to the empowerment of women across the globe. We contribute a portion of our sale to charities that we believe are key to the future of gender equality. Our contributions help create opportunities for these women, their families and their communities!

What is a Millennial Mama?

Millennials moms are mothers born after from 1980 and up (1980- to the late 90’s to be more precise) We feel that the millennial generation of mothers are a completely different breed and should be treated as such! We are more fun, technologically savvy and view the world in a more open-minded way. The way we raise children today is very different from how our parents raised us, yet we still have the same old information coming at us in the same old way. So we decided that had to change. We want to make motherhood look cool, because it is cool. 🙂

Why we rock:

Well being women we are already pretty awesome. But what makes us different is our passion to bring women together and encourage them to lead a healthy and successful lifestyle – all with a fun twist!

HypeGirls are culturally curious – We are ridiculously embedded in old and new media. We love to meet new people and see how we can help spread your story. We also enjoy discovering new brands that benefit mothers and empower them.

HypeGirls are freakin’ creative – We are a naturally creative bunch, but we are also super strategic and always come up with the fun stuff in a structured way. We understand that real women want to talk to real women, and bringing in that human element is really at the heart of the content we produce. Our goal is not just to tap into the hearts of our audience, but to tap into their minds with original, memorable content. Millennial moms need to be entertained too!

HypeGirls believe in GIRL POWER – We believe the rise of women is the rise of a nation! We are always looking for new ways to help others connect with the female audience. More importantly, we are always looking to help you connect, partner and collab with other girl-powered brands in our network. We don’t hate, we collaborate!

Ready to join the #GirlCult? We are waiting for you! Contact us directly via nicky@hypegirls.com