HypeGirls Business Besties Brunch Recap

Business Besties BrunchBusiness Besties Brunch

Wow.  I am still at a loss for words at how amazing the first Business Besties Brunch went!

Sunday was a super rainy, dreary day. Like really really bad. I honestly was so nervous that no one except my mom would come lol. But to my surprise, every single person who RSVPed got dressed and showed up to be with us. Not a single person was missing, even if they came in late. I cannot tell you how much that meant! It also showed me that these women were serious about their business, and no crazy rainstorm was going to stop them from growing as entrepreneurs. And these women are the exact type of women I wanted to reach, learn from and collaborate with. #Bosschicks

So in this post, I’ve included a lot of love notes, photos and details on what we discussed! Let start with the love 🙂

Business Besties Brunch HypeGirls CupCake GalleriaBusiness Besties Brunch HypeGirls CupCake Galleria

Major love to Charli, owner and founder of CupCake Galleria for hosting this event and sharing her story and tips with us on the panel. And much love to her hubby and family who were there to help out during the event! When I pitched Charli the idea she was so eager and ready to help me without hesitation. People like her are SUPER rare, and I am so happy I got to know her better and that she will continue to be a part of these brunches. You are incredible and I know we are going to do great things together!

Major love to Jillene, attorney and founder of Doolkadir Law, who was supposed to speak at the event but unfortunately got into a bad accident due to the rain.  Jillene has consistently helped me with these workshops and I am so grateful to have her as a business bestie! She will be doing a webinar this Friday at 12:30-1:30pm to make up for missing Sunday. If you haven’t received your invite, inbox me to get your access 🙂

Business Besties BrunchBusiness Besties Brunch

Major love to our sponsors, HYPE Nail, KatKat Soaps, HSI Professional, SaveRnB and Greens Roads World for making our beauty bags extra special! If you want more from these brands, you can find HYPE Nail and KatKat Soaps in shopHypeGirls. Save 40% off your HSI products on www.hsiprofessional.com with code HYPEGIRLS at checkout!

Major love to all of you amazing women who came out! None of this would’ve been possible without YOU. I appreciate you taking time out of your Sunday to come to the Business Besties Brunch. Connecting and educating women is what my business is based on, so to have you ladies show up support is proof that we can do anything if we work together.  From all of us, thank you so much! I can’t wait to grow and collab with you all 🙂

Oh and congrats to our grand prize winners: Gaby, Fahima and Javid on your amazing prizes!

Catch the “attendees only” legal part of the Business Besties Brunch live this Friday at 12:30pm.

If you want a one-on-one with me to discuss more about blogging for your business, email me directly nicky@hypegirls.com

Here are some pics from the event, thank you Fahima Muhammad for capturing these! Please share yours with us by tagging @hypegirls @cupcakegalleria!

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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched PERIOD.org's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via nicky@hypegirls.com
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