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How To Choose A Bomb Mom Blog Name

that doesn't suck

Mom Blog NameMom Blog Name

Hello lovely mamas!

Last week, I went over how to find your mom blog niche and why it was important. Now that you’ve narrowed down what you want to blog about, it’s time for the next step in getting your blog going – picking a bomb ass mom blog name!

Picking a name for your mom blog can be super fun, but it can also get frustrating, especially if the name you had in mind is already taken.

But this is where your creativity comes into play mama! So WTF are you going to name your blog?

Remember your blog name isn’t just your brand name, it is also going to be your domain name. Your mom blog name will be what you type in the address bar –

Mom Blog NameMom Blog Name

Overall, it is a good idea to include your niche in your mom blog name. However you can also get away with naming it something completely different!

For example look at my blog’s name: HypeGirls

That doesn’t exactly scream online destination for millennial mama and mamapreneurs does it?

That being said, don’t get hung up on trying to create the perfect name. If you are creating good content and marketing yourself correctly, the right audience will come. There are a few rules of thumb you should consider though:


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  • Don’t choose a long ass blog name. Make it is short and simple.
  • Don’t use your personal name as your mom blog name, UNLESS it’s your personal journal blog. If you use your name as a name of your blog, it loses the chance of creating a niche authority blog, and it becomes more of a personal branding blog instead.
  • Stay away from names that may be interpreted wrong or mistaken for an adult site – seriously. When I first launched my original blog, it was I don’t think I need to explain why I switched it to just after just four months lol.



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  • Make sure your blog name relates to your overall brand.
  • Your blog name is memorable, easy to pronounce and easy to spell.
  • Whatever name you choose, it is available as a .COM domain AND can on social media


***I repeat: Make sure you have a couple back ups in case your .com is already gone. And always make sure you get a .COM – not a .net, .co, etc. if you can avoid it.

You may be thinking, damn this seems like a lot to consider for just a name. But the name you choose for your blog and domain is super important! Here’s why:

It Builds Your Presence Online

Your blog name aka domain name provide a you permanent location for people to find your mommy blog (future business) online. No matter how your blog changes over the years, your domain name can remain consistent. Even if you change where host your website, switch up your business model, or  redesign your brand, your domain name can (and should) stay the same.

It Builds Brand Awareness

If you don’t have a your own designated, branded domain name, it will be harder for your mommy blog to stand out against the rest. It will forever take a backseat to the brand your are sharing your domain with, for example The goal is to make it easy It for web browsers to remember your URL – which is really your brand.

It Builds Trust and Credibility

For the small amount of money it will cost you to register your own domain you build enormous credibility. Having your own domain is a sign that your blogging business is legitimate. Not only will this increase trust and conversions with your visitors, but it will make other mommy bloggers more comfortable collaborating with you PLUS it will make other media website or brands more comfortable writing about you.

Ok so I picked my domain name, now what?

Time to lock that name in mama! There are a variety of platforms you can purchase and register your domain name with, but I personally prefer and have had the best experience with They have a super seamless process plus they offer automatic domain renewals, discounts and privacy options. You can also get your domain via and other websites. But what will really matter is the platform you choose to have your blog hosted with – but let’s save that for next week’s mamapreneur blog.

Hopefully this helps you get going on choosing your name! To give you a bit of inspiration, here are some of my favorite mom blogs names:

MommyMafia    –   TheExhaustedMom    –   CupofJo   –   Freckled-Fox

Got a cool mom blog name? Share it with me on Instagram @hypegirls

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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via
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