HypeGirls Welcomes Felicia Ally

Feli Ally

HypeGirls is so happy to welcome our Fall intern Felicia Ally to the team! Get to know more about this smart and talented lady and stayed tuned for more from her on HypeGirls.com!

Felicia Ally

Feli AllyFeli Ally

Role: Booking Assistant
Twitter/Instagram: @TopSecretFeli
College: Miami Dade College
Major: Music Business Major
Future goals: While I am pursuing a career as a Music Manager, I plan to exceed as a booking agent for HypeGirls and continue to help our team grow to the next level. In the future, I hope to open my own a management and bookings agency!
If you had to be a CupCake, what kind would you be? If I could be any flavor cupcake, I’d want to be a “Pucker Up Pink Lemonade” cupcake. I’d choose this yummy cupcake because lemon cupcakes with buttercream frosting are one of my favs. Pink, is my favorite color and I feel represents my sweet, girly side. The tart lemon flavor, portrays a fierce, serious, business side of me. And of course topped with rainbow sprinkles, which illustrates my happy, positive attitude and outlook!    


Welcome aboard Feli!

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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched PERIOD.org's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via nicky@hypegirls.com
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