Nicky Jiggy: Stilettos and a Split Skirt #jiggyootd

Nicky JiggyNicky Jiggy

Yesterday in Miami was pretty hot, especially down in Midtown. Fortunately, this amazing double side split dress is nice and breezy! Perfect outfit for a lunch date or night out, and affordable too! Find out the prices and where to get it below 😉 and follow me @nickyjiggy 

Nicky Jiggy Slit Dress 3Nicky Jiggy Slit Dress 3 Nicky Jiggy Slit Dress 4Nicky Jiggy Slit Dress 4  Nicky Jiggy Slit DressNicky Jiggy Slit Dress

Dress $42 via

Gladiator Stilettos $34 via


Photos by Respekfresh




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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via
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