Our favorite day of the week has arrived! And of course, we’re here offering you tips on how to live up your Sunday Funday’s to the fullest!
This week is probably one of the most important Sunday Funday tips we can offer you, so listen up!
Our goal this Sunday Funday, is to defeat that monster called, Procrastination. Procrastination gets the best of us and seems to never go away, so our advice this week, use your day of ‘relaxation’ to complete something that you know will stress you out later on in the week.
You know that paper that’s due Tuesday that you plan on doing all day tomorrow, making your Monday “a living hell”?! Yes, you should probably take care of that today.
As much as we enjoy telling you to relax every Sunday, some Sunday’s are better used to be productive to create less stress on you later on during the week.
So after you’re done reading all of HypeGirls amazing articles, make sure you start on that work that you’ve been putting off and make your week a lot easier! 😉