superDUPER Music Video By RASKLz aka PIZZVLORDz

Now we typically focus our music features on the ladies, but this superDUPER video was so freaking cool we had to share it! Artists RASKLz aka PIZZVLORDz is a music duo made up of two indie artists from Miami, siR astRO ( aka Eqobking ) and GIZMO TAILz. These two cats have the talent of not only capturing the viewers attention through their music, but with the use of strong abstract visuals and very trendy sense of fashion. We love it. We checked out the latest music video by PIZZVLORDz for their song ‘superDUPER’ which was filmed by BLOODISBOND edited by GIZMO TAILz. Filmed in both Miami and New York city, the video intrigued us the moment it started. These two are not afraid to be themselves throughout the whole music video and kept us entertained from beginning to end. When I asked what was the concept behind their video, they responded:

Honestly most of our videos just happen from us being our own characters in different locations. We knew the song was awesome, so we took the trip to NYC and film there. Knowing it would be fun and something different for our viewers, which is what superDUPER was all about, us having fun and feeling super GOOD. But we had to show the people how we have fun in Miami too. So we came back to our hometown and finished up the video here.”

‘superDUPER’ is a truly unique and something we just couldn’t ignore. This video made the boys the first males to make it onto our blog -way to go guys! Keep up the good work 🙂

Check out PIZZVLORDz “superDUPER” music video and keep up with them on Instagram/Twitter @gizmo1up





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Mel: Just a city girl trying to seek knowledge all over the world.
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