My DIY Vaginal Steaming Experience – 6 Months In

My DIY Vaginal Steaming Experience – 6 Months In

Ok mamas. So if you have been reading my blog lately you know that I have been raving about vaginal steaming. Actually I’ve been raving about vagina love in general. That’s because taking care of your lady parts regularly is just as important as taking care of your hair or making sure you get in that 30 minutes of cardio each day. And of the many natural remedies for your lady parts, vaginal steaming is the best way to show your V how much you love her!

Fortunately, the idea of vaginal steaming is starting to become more and more accepted, and I have become a huge advocate for this practice. In my previous experience, I had a vaginal steaming service done for me at my home. But for the past three months, I have been able to do vaginal steaming by myself at home – all thanks to this amazing queen, Keli of SteamyChick!

Quick story about how we met:

Back in January, I posted a recap of my first v-steam and I just happened to use a photo of the SteamyChick sauna in my blog post as an example. Keli reached out to me via Facebook asking if I could credit the photo, which I did immediately and sent her the link. She then replied back asking if I could do a review, so I decided to dive deeper into her website. Whoa!

Turns out Keli is a pretty amazing woman, not to mention she is a fellow mama! Keli has been researching the practice of vaginal steaming and using it in her own self-care since 2011. She has worked with over 600 women using vaginal steam treatments to address gynecological complaints. Yep. Bawse.

So obviously once I learned more about her and SteamyChick, I couldn’t wait to try it out for myself!

Vaginal steaming is nothing new, but in the US it is slowly gaining acceptance and becoming more popular. It is still something that women are still getting used to, and I have found that many women consider it too intimate and personal for someone to do for them. Personally, I don’t understand why not, as many of us get checked by our gyno’s, get it waxed and lasered down there by complete strangers.

But this is why I think having the option to do it yourself at home is a great option. It really takes a lot of pressure off your and your va-jay-jay. 🙂

I started at home steaming almost 6 months ago. This week will be my 10th time steaming as part of my vaginal steaming routine, I now do it twice a month.  Why am I writing about it now? Because like all of my DIY adventures, I like to try things for a while before sharing them with you. I want to make sure I can give you an honest review based on a FULL experience, not just something I tried one time. And I have to say, after steaming regularly in my past three cycles, I have definitely noticed a positive change down there.

Like less cramping. I’m saying I now have a totally pain free period – no lie. After my second month of steaming I literally didn’t even realize I got my period because I am so used to having cramps right before. But there were NO CRAMPS and there have not been ever since. It’s freakin’ amazing AF. I should’ve been steaming a long time ago!

So here’s my review:

My SteamyChick vaginal steaming kit arrived super fast, and I was super excited to see what this DIY steaming thing was all about.

When I first opened the package, I admit – I was a bit intimidated! The box included the vaginal steam sauna, 10 vaginal steam herbs bags, an electric burner and a steam pot.  I wasn’t 100% sure what everything was or how to put it together.

Thankfully Keli made it simple by including a welcome letter with an instruction link. There I found step-by-step, pictured instructions on how to clean steam box, set it up, and prepare for my first at-home vaginal steaming session.

Honestly, I felt pretty damn confident about it after reading that.

First thing I did was wash the steam sauna in my tub with hot water and a bit of oil as Keli suggested. The box is made of wood, so I had to give it a full day to dry. That also gave me a full day to continue to read up about when, how often and how long I should steam for on the SteamyChick online user guide.

I also learned that there are  different herb options you can choose from depending on your body’s needs. I received the cleansing herbs, which is the best choice for postpartum and general use. SteamyChick offers four different steaming herbal blends, so you can always adjust according to your V’s needs 🙂

To prepare the herbs, you simply fill your steam pot to the 1-1.5 liter line, then bring to a boil (either on the mini burner or the stove). Add in your herb pack and let simmer on low for 10 ten mins. Center the burner and pot in the center of steam box, lower the lid and you are ready to go!

Initially, I used the suggested setting for beginners called the “mild setup” which is the best way to set up your steam session if your are steaming at home for the first time. By my third session I upgraded to the advance setup, which is much more intense because you maintain the heat temperature throughout the steam instead of letting it cool off. Make sure to place the burner controls  where the opening is so you can reach in to adjust your temperature if needed. Leaving it on low has worked well for me.

You can steam at any time of day, but personally I like to steam after my son falls asleep and my boyfriend goes to work. According to SteamyChick, the best time to steam is at night, as the steam detoxifies and makes you feel very relaxed after. I sleep like a baby every time!

My steaming routine typically involves me bringing my box into my living room, grabbing a glass of wine and a late night snack. Sometimes I use my steam time to relax, meditate and read a book. Other times I throw on a trashy reality show, scroll Instagram and chat on the phone with my friends. Tonight I will be painting my nails as a steam. I just do whatever makes me feel at ease. This is all about me and my V thang afterall.

I have a pretty normal menstrual cycle (28-30 days) so I always steam for about 30 mins. Everyone woman’s body is different, and if you aren’t sure how long you should steam you can figure out your vaginal steaming plan in just a few clicks. Or you can always get a Consultation with Keli 🙂

*** Important note! Steaming should not be done during pregnancy. However, you should purchase one while pregnant and have it set up for use starting 4 days after giving birth.

Want to learn more? Catch Part 1 and Part 2 of my interview with Keli and follow her brand on Instagram @SteamyChick

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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via
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