Part 2 Interview with Keli of SteamyChick Vaginal Steaming

Last week I shared the first part of my interview with Keli from SteamyChick! In the second part of our interview, I dug a little deeper and got to know more about Keli as a mother and what she’s working on next. Oh and did I mention she dropped some great tips for stay-at-home mamapreneurs? Check it out

Do you have kids? How many? Girls, boys? Ages?
​I have two girls. They are one and four years of age.
You are a mother as well as entrepreneur. What are the obstacles you have faced doing business and being a mom?
​I started a home company because I want to be home with my girls. However, that means that they’re always with me when I’m working. They’re the sweetest little assistants but, at the end of the day when we need to fulfill orders, they’re in the way. I’m working on getting a work space outside of the home so that I can be more present with them while home.
How do you manage family life and entrepreneurship?
​Hahaha! One day at a time. ​
Do you work more than one job?
​Not currently.​
Is there anything you do to relax?
​Right now I’m really into herbal baths.​
What are your favorite hobbies or activities to do with your kids?
​Bike riding, hiking, go to the beach. ​
It what ways becoming a parent changed the way you look at working​?
​The cost of working is a huge obstacle for a mother. If I hire childcare, then I have to earn a very high wage to be able to afford care for my children and still make a profit. The dilemma has given me a fresh view of gender inequality.
Which celebrity or celebrity baby would you like to see represent SteamyChick?
​Gwyneth Paltrow, Beyonce, Erykah Badu, Angelina Jolie
What is your absolute favorite SteamyChick experience so far?
One customer’s husband bought her a vaginal steam sauna for her birthday. After integrating steaming into her regular routine, she was able to completely clear up painful menstrual cramps, recurring bacterial vaginosis and HPV. After seven months of vaginal steaming she had a normal papsmear for the first time in her life.
Where can we buy?
What else can we look forward to from SteamyChick?  
​A documentary on my work will be coming out this spring.
What tips and advice would you give to other mothers or women who wish to start their own business?

​Be strategic. Follow what’s working and shed the rest.

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Nicky Dawkins: Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via

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