Men. What to do with them? For some odd reason men boast about having their woman on lock down or having her on check because “she knows better,” like the man is suppose to be some golden oddity. In reality, we all know who actually has the control in the relationship.
Men like to pretend that they have some hidden secret that deserves to be named one of the seven wonders of the world. I been hearing about this a lot on the radio, how us women have the capability to manipulate any situation to go in our favor. I, for one have to agree. It’s all about knowing how and when to tap into it.
Men, you might think that you are in control and this is exactly what we want you to think, it makes it much easier for us to steer you in the right direction. A real woman knows what her man needs in order for BOTH of them to be successful this is the main difference between the wife and the temp, for lack of a better word.
A valuable lesson for the ladies: Never go into a relationship thinking that you can change a man. The man will only change when and if he wants to. No woman can change a man! Going into the relationship with this agenda will ruin both parties. When starting a relationship consider the entire package, if he’s a cheater be aware of the possibility that he will cheat again. If you are already in a long term commitment take a look at your beginning together and realize that the both of you have come a long way for the better. The problem arises when the changes have taken a turn for the worst then there is no purpose in continuing the relationship.