HypeGirls Joins the Menstrual Movement Launches PERIOD Miami Chapter

Femme Health Site, Joins the Menstrual Movement Launching the PERIOD Miami Chapter
The 2017 Best Health Blogger winner, joins the Menstrual Movement with PERIOD Miami, making a difference in menstrual advocacy raising awareness to create change through events, campaigns and media relationships.
Miami, FL – Apr. 4, 2018 – Nicky Dawkins, Creative Director of HypeGirls -a femme health website whose focus is bringing women together and encouraging them to lead healthy and successful lifestyles – has launched PERIOD Miami.
PERIOD is a non-profit organization, co-founded by young activist Nadya Okamoto and Vincent Forand as high school students in 2014. The duo realized menstrual products are not reliably available to those who need them most.
Nadya Okamoto and her family found themselves without a home of their own during her freshman and sophomore years of high school. It was then that she came across other homeless women who were facing situations more devastating than her own.
Within her conversation with these women she found the common obstacle in their lives was their periods. She strives to make menstrual hygiene a right, and not a privilege.
PERIOD serves the community with three facets to their work. They serve by delivering PERIOD PACKS to those in need. Educate others to change the way we talk about periods, and eliminate the taboo through networks of students in high school, colleges and community chapters. Lastly, advocacy through events and campaigns, and the help of media relationships, PERIOD raises awareness to create change to help repeal the tampon tax and lobby for menstrual products in public places.
HypeGirls will be conducting regular fundraising events to elevate the city of Miami and inspire change for the women in the community.