Beyonce Launches 22-Day Vegan Meal Delivery Service

Now Beyonce was never really a true vegan, but she was inspired after participating in a 22 days nutrition challenge back in 2013. Now she and her trainer Marcos Borges – also the company’s founder – decided to pair up for an “on demand” vegan meal delivery service! This is another bandwagger, yet smart move by the mega-star and her team. Flawless indeed.
The vegan meals will be entirely plant-based with no gluten, soy, diary or GMOs in site and will range in price from about $9-$17 dollars. If you choose to go with a full three meal a day package for the 22-day period, it will cost you about $630 – not including the $19.99 shipping.
In a public statement, Beyonce said “I am so grateful that I took the challenge and credit Marco with leading by example. He came up with a great program to get people motivated to make better nutritional choices. All you have to do is try. If I can do it, anyone can. I am excited to partner with him.” Her husband rapper Jay-X even referred to the diet as “a spiritual and physical cleanse”
Now there are many people – myself included – already advocating for vegan, non-GMO products but many people do not believe vegan diets have enough protein, which is very untrue. I believe with the amount of fans and followers Beyonce has in her reign, she might actually be able to help people see the dangers in American food. I have never been a huge Beyonce fan myself but I must admit I am happy that she is using her name for this important cause. Thanks Queen B!
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