FEATURESMotherhoodWellness Remedies
Using Essential Oils For Babies and Children

Hi crunchy mamas!
In the past few years, using essentials oils have become increasingly popular, mainly because they offer an effective, all natural remedy for a lot of common ailments. Essential oils an also be just as useful for children and babies as it is for adults, but you must be even more careful!
There are many different species of essential oils and not all brands are created equal, so you must be sure that you are choosing the right one. You also need to make sure the oil is heavily diluted with a baby-safe carrier oil such as coconut, avocado or olive oil.
Before my son arrived, I was fortunate enough to receive a gift set of DoTerra essential oils for babies and children pictured below. These oils already come pre-diluted in a very handy carry bag so you can take them on the go. Mine go everywhere with me, I also keep a little wooden massager for my baby’s feet – he loves it! I have used my baby essential oils on my son many times to soothe common baby aliments, including colic, cough and excessive crying.
Before we dive in, here a few key points you should know when using essential oils for babies and children:
- Essentials oils should be MUCH more diluted for use with babies as compared to use with adults.
- When adding essential oils to baths of babies, they must first be diluted in a water soluble carrier, such as raw unfiltered honey or vegetable glycerin. (a lot of moms do not know this! Again DoTerra’s oils are pre-diluted)
- Not every essential oil that is safe for adults is safe for babies.
- NEVER allow a child to ingest essential oils. NEVER give oils to a child orally.
- Essential oils should not be used in or around the nose in babies.
- Always introduce one essential oil at a time to avoid allergies
- Do not use essential oils on babies under 3 months of age
The most common essential oils for baby are grapefruit, lavender, lemon, mandarin, melaleuca, orange, petitgrain, Roman chamomile, tangerine and neroli. With these oils, you have a natural way to care for your baby when they experience common problems! Just remember that you need to dilute the essential oil FIRST. The maximum recommended amount of essential oils used on babies 3+ months topically, should not exceed .2% of the recipe, or 1-2 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.
Here are a few ways you can use diluted essential oils for your baby or child:
COMMON COLD: Diffuse 2 drops melaleuca, lemon or lavender oil at bedtime. For a topical treatment, mix 1 drop of melaleuca, lemon or lavender oil with 1 tbsp carrier oil and massage the upper chest and back at diaper change.
COLIC: Mix 1 drop lavender with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Gently massage a few drops into baby’s abdomen clockwise to follow the direction of the colon.
CONGESTION: Diffuse 1 drop of lavender or melaeuca.
COUGH: Mix 1 drop lavender with 1 tbsp carrier oil and rub small amount on back and chest.
CRADLE CAP: Mix 2 tbsp almond oil with 1 drop lemon and 1 drop geranium and apply to small amount to baby’s head.
CRYING: Place 1 drop of lavender or Roman chamomile on a tissue or your hands and let baby smell the oil. Do not let them touch!
DIAPER RASH: Mix 1 drop German chamomile (first dilute with raw honey or vegetable glycerin), 1 drop lavender and 1 drop whole milk. Add the mixture to baby’s bath and make sure you swish it around to spread it. Bath baby as normal, but avoid baby’s eyes and face with the oils.
FEVER: Mix 1 drop lavender and 1 tbsp carrier oil. Apply small amount to baby’s feet, back of the neck and behind the ears. Cover baby’s feet with socks so they don’t get the oils in their mouth.
JAUNDICE: Blend 1 drop geranium with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Apply to bottom of feet and liver area, cover baby’s feet with socks. Make sure you wait at least 30 minutes before and after UVA treatment before using.
TEETHING: Blend 1 drop Roman chamomile or lavender with 1 tbsp carrier oil. Use small amount to gently massage the outside of the face along the jawline.
Good luck mama!
***This post was done in collaboration with Disfunkshion Magazine & DoTerra Essential Oils