Hacktivist Group Anonymous Quotes Tupac Shakur, Then Takes Down India’s Supreme Court and Congress Websites [INFOGRAPHIC]

It’s been announced via Twitter that Hacktivist group Anonymous has taken down India’s Supreme Court and India Congress websites. The websites, though available, are running very slow at this time. The reason behind this extreme hack? According to Anonymous aka @Anon_Central, Internet censorship and the need for India to “install” a new government are behind it. Now, this may have a little something to do with the incident in December 2011 when the New York Times reported that India’s government had requested that Facebook, Google and several other online brands to censor content from user’s in India before posting it live. To Anonymous, clearly this was a good enough reason to quote Tupac Shakur and then take action!
Check out the Tweets Below!
If you are not familiar with Anonymous, you should be. The hacker collective has been responsible for many upsetting events including hacking into the president of Syria’s personal email, taking down the websites of CBS, Universal Music and last but not least, the CIA’s website. Pretty big stuff huh? Despite several arrests of some of its members this year, the collective group has managed to cause some serious damage, all in the name of justice. I’ve added a lovely infographic from our friends at Frugal Dad to show how hacktivism has become one powerful virtual weapon. Thanks Anonymous!