MUSICWorld News
Love/Hate Valentines Day Playlist

Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. A day to celebrate love, buy stock in Hallmark, spend a fortune on chocolate and kill innocent, unsuspecting flowers. I have a love/hate relationship with love and currently it’s a tad bit heavy on the hate. But whether you’re skipping hand-in-hand on cloud nine or hiding in your room like me on Valentine’s Day, I’ve chosen a few ‘Valen-tunes’ to get you through it.
For those of you in love today, congrats! The first part of the playlist is all yours. Enjoy that. For those of you who hate to love, you’re in luck! The second part of this playlist is for you. The third part is…for all of us, my friends. Because when it comes down to it, we all just want to love, be loved and make love. And if we can have a sexy good time doing it then it’s all the better.
So here it is: the Love/Hate ValenTunes Playlist! Or hear it (and like us!) on our California Hype Girls Facebook Page. Please enjoy and let us know: what are you listening to on this lovely Valentine’s day?