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Meet The Parents: Make Sure They Love You

The most nerve wrecking moment in a developing relationship has to be hands down, meeting the parents. The anxiety kills. What to wear? What to say? What to bring? Ugggh, all the frustration leading up to the point of getting to your destination and then the hard part begins… What to do? No fear, this is officially your survival guide to meeting the parents during the holidays.
What to wear? This department is easy for the ladies it’s the holidays so always dress up. Remember when it comes to dresses, if you’d wear it to the club, you might not want to wear it to meet the ‘rents, this is depending on the fashionista. If your night on the town looks like Snooki for then, DON’T DO IT!
However, the refined lady in the blue is a great example of a dress that can be used to go clubbing and look absolutely fabulous for meeting your sweeties’ parents.
No need to cover up completely, in my personal experience less cleavage always makes Mom and all the other women happy in your beau’s family. Let’s talk make up. Don’t cake on the make up. A fresh face is always appreciated more than a overtly glamorous job. For the holidays, it’s easier to get away with smoky eyes and sparkle, when in doubt less is more. Gabrielle Union is a perfect example of what your make up should look like.
What to bring? Typically, ladies we don’t need to bring a thing but that pretty little smile and our charm but for a little more oomph, go ahead and ask what Dad likes to drink, if not a bottle of wine is always a win.
What to say? This is where things may or may not go your way, in all conversations be attentive and engage everyone at some point or another. Stay gracious, and please for the love of God, don’t swear! No potty mouths allowed.
The best way to score is to show your affection for your sweetie, not crazy PDA, a little hand holding, and quick kisses will do. Don’t get cold with your beau because Mom will be suspicious.
Remember to smile. Have no fear you’re a HypeGirl they’ll love you anyway!
Happy Holidays!