How Music Makes Money [INFOGRAPHIC]

Music is a beautiful thing. The music business? Not so much. The music industry is a monster, and between labels, artists, publishers, managers, agents and venues – it can all get very confusing! From working on the business side of things for many years, I can tell you that 90% of artists, musicians and producers do not understand the music business or how music makes money. Personally, I think it is important for all parties involved in the music process to understand how they are going to be paid. Enter the ‘Music Rights 101’ infographic!
This infographic doesn’t cover every single little aspect, but it does give you a basic background of the relationships between the performer, the publisher and the listener and how everyone gets paid. You can download a PDF of this infographic plus get a detailed breakdown on The Current.
*Be sure to stay educated on the music business and check out our free #GirlsInMusic seminar series at SAE Miami campus every month!