Nicky Jiggy Featured on Jessica Simien ‘She’s a Boss’

This month I was honored to be interviewed by journalist and public relations professional Jessica Simien for her ‘She’s a Boss’ article series! It was great to get to chat about what I do daily and my experience in music business and marketing. The article covers everything from how HypeGirls got started, to the mistakes I have made as an entrepreneur. It is always nice when women empower other women! I hope to continue that trend with HypeGirls. Check out the article She’s A Boss: HypeGirls’ Nichole “Nicky Jiggy” Dawkins now and thank you to everyone who has been a part of the movement!
She’s A Boss: HypeGirls’ Nichole “Nicky Jiggy” Dawkins
About the series:
Jessica Simien’s ‘She’s a Boss’ series is dedicated to highlighting female business owners of all backgrounds and races and all industries that have worked hard to become leaders in their fields. Keep up with Jessica Simien on http://jessicasimien.com and follow her on Instagram @jessicasimien @jessicasimiendotcom