EventsFEATURESJust for MomsWorkshops
11/9 – South Florida Mom Bloggers Spanglish Meetup!
Hosted by Chapter Officers Nicky and Paula
Attention my boss mom bloggers! I am superrrrr excited about this!
Those of you have been keeping up with the HypeGirls blog and Facebook group know how long I have been working on this project, and it is finally happening!
The Blogger Union is excited to add its newest chapter, the South Florida Mom Bloggers!
There has been a serious increase of mom bloggers and influencers in South Florida, which means more opportunities for us to grow and learn together!
The goal of the South Florida Mom Bloggers is to encourage connection between fellow mom bloggers through educational workshops, networking events, and collaborative projects.
This exclusive chapter will operate in two divisions, English and Spanish lead by Paula Zelaya and Nicky Dawkins. Members are welcome to participate in activities from both divisions! All blog niches are welcome, but it is required that you are a parent to become a member the South Florida Mom Bloggers chapter.
November 11th, 2017 we will host our first South Florida Mom Bloggers meetup at Book & Books in Coral Gables. This will be a casual, fun event where we can all get to know each other and learn more about what you can expect from being a part of the South Florida Mom Bloggers!
[button color=”blue” size=”big” link=”http://thebloggerunion.com/november-south-florida-mom-bloggers-meetup/” icon=”” target=”false” nofollow=”false”]RSVP HERE[/button]
Can’t wait to see you there mama!