Saturday, June 9th, Werk It Moms had it’s second Mamapreneur Brunch & Learn. We were so happy to see the returning Mamapreneur’s and even some returning #WerkItBabies.
This month we featured Nerissa Irving! If you aren’t familiar with her, here’s the rundown. Nerissa had her start as a hair model due to her gorgeous locs. She then founded Nene Organics, where she makes products available for natural sexual health and feminine hygiene products. This Mama is a supernova, from educating mother on how to speak to their daughters about their vaginas and periods, to organic pads, and now vegan make up products Nerissa has it all!
Brunch Vibes
It was incredibly heartwarming for us to see our returning Mamapreneur’s (you ladies ROCK!) even more amazing to see the new faces who gushed about missing the first one! This month we had delectable bites from Whisk Gourmet, we feasted on fresh fruit and veggies, avocado smash spread with garlic toasted baguettes and bacon-scented biscuits with honey scallion butter. It was incredible!
We had our favorite Peet’s Coffee signature drinks, I switched it up and opted for the Havana Cappuccino. It was too good, Peet’s espresso with sweetened condensed milk, creamy steamed milk, and warm cinnamon. We were blessed by Ms. Nadia of Sweet Delight Cheesecakes, she was so gracious to bless us with her yummy mini cheesecakes, they were as beautiful as they were delicious.
Nerissa spoke to every woman from all walks of life. Surprisingly, she’s really shy but that quickly went out the door when she beamed about the importance of self-care. Nerissa shared things that make her tick and how she copes with the demand for her products. She explained how she makes a large number of her products BY HAND. Therefore, her home becomes the front line for Nene Organics, she does this because she loves it but she made it clear that it is crucial to find time for you, something that we usually do last.
The ladies had so many questions about how to make self-care a priority and how to let others help you. This for so many was the golden nugget of the day, let the family in on your business! Nerissa shared how her husband, M1 is hands-on with her business and without that balance she wouldn’t be able to be the mother, wife, and boss that she is. Teamwork makes the dream work! She also advocated for teaching your children early how to help with your business. It will help their character and spark the entrepreneur in them.
Werk It!
Mama’s there were so many gems during this Mamaprenuer Brunch & Learn that we want to share with you but you gotta come to see us! Remember, every second Saturday of the month at the Capital One Cafe on Miracle Mile from 10 am-Noon. Keep your eyes open for the RSVP link, you must RSVP to attend.
Heads up: Spaces are limited and you must RSVP. Make sure you can attend if you consistently RSVP and don’t show you may get locked out of future events.