Hello natural hair beauties!
I love to see more and more women going natural with their curls and sharing their hair stories. I have gone in and out of relaxers a few times in my life, and I recently did another big chop about 5 months ago. Since then, I have taken a more natural approach to my hair care then ever before. I am happy to say I have seen a lot of improvement in my overall hair growth and texture.
My approach to hair care is pretty much using homemade products including a variety of hair masks. I’ve done everything from avocado, eggs and aloe vera and moisturized with raw shea butter in between. When it came time to wash my natural hair, I didn’t have a lot of options and would use any regular shampoo. But as my hair got a longer, more and more natural products came onto the market, and I decided to give them a try. Shea Moisture was one of the first brands I decided to start with, mainly because they are organic, fair trade and cruelty free. I used their trail-size Coconut & Hibiscus Co-Washing Shampoo and Conditioner which I found in my local Walgreens. I have thick hair, so I finished my bottles in just two washes! I was pleased with the results, it left my hair feeling moisturized but not heavy.
While I fully intended on buying a full-sized set in time for my next wash, I was fortunate enough to be invited to attend a fabulous blogger event by #WeAllGrowLatina the following week. At the event, we had the pleasure of meeting one the of the reps for Shea Moisture who was kind enough to supply us with a few other beauty products to try. One of the products I was fortunate enough to snatch up was the Shea Moisture Superfruit Multi-Vitamin Wash & Go Shampoo and the Superfruit Multi-Vitamin Leave-In or Rinse-Out Conditioner. Both contain Marula Oil and Biotin, which help support hair’s elasticity.
But the most important ingredients are the superfruits included – Red Raspberry, Goji Berry, Acia and Guava Extract. These are all rich in antioxidants plus they help hair to retain moisture – exactly what my hair needs. This line specifies that is it for wavy or curly hair, so I decided to give it a shot on my coily hair (close enough right?) and see how it worked. Since then, I have used both products for 4 washes now, a longer period than the last time so I could really measure my hair’s results.
I prefer to co-wash my hair instead of just washing with straight shampoo, so I was able to concoct my own by just mixing the shampoo with the conditioner. Just lather it up as you would when you shampoo normally, then rinse and repeat as needed. Shampoo tends to strips your hair of moisture, but I find that Shea Moisture shampoos don’t leave my hair feeling as dry. I still prefer to co-wash for the extra juice though, but this step is up to you. The good thing is a little bit goes a long way with this shampoo, so you won’t need much to get your hair super clean.
After co-washing I follow up with the conditioner, which I never rinse out. I actually coat it on really thick! Comb through it with a wide tooth comb and let it sit for about ten minutes. If you choose to rinse it out, now it is the time. But for my coily heads I recommend allowing it to stay on your hair as a leave-in conditioner. After my ten minutes I like to give it a quick towel dry and then style my hair into two-strand twist. Then let it air dry the rest of the way. Once dry, undo the twists for a cute natural style!
All in all, I am pleased with the quality of the Shea Moisture Superfruit line. The products are hydrating and detangling for my hair type which is key. Plus the products smell AMAZING! The smell actually lingers in my hair and people notice – who doesn’t like that? 🙂
This is a sponsored post in collaboration with #SheaMoisture and WeAllGrow Latina Network.