The Digital Divide Intro: Connects The Rich To The Future, Keeps The Poor In The Past

Let’s face it. Today’s world is all about being online. The Internet is responsible for over 21% of the economic growth in countries across the globe, educating over 6 million students and powered billions of homes worldwide with access to a cornucopia of information. Facebook claims over 800 million active users but how many of them are really able to go online everyday? You’d be surprised.

What is considered a standard in everyday life to some – including those lucky enough to be able to be reading this blog post – is only a something heard about or in some countries reserved only for the very wealthy. Although, not quite as severe, the United States in no exception to this digital divide that does not seem to be slowing down. But even in one of the richest countries in the world, there is still a  large gap between the have and the have-nots. Unfortunately, even in this day and age not having access to the wealth of information that the Internet provides is an all too common problem for many people in the US.

While there are many of us that complain about having to pay high Internet bills and data fees, there are just as many who literally have no access to broadband, if even they can afford it! There are vast gaps between Internet availability in the cities verses the rural areas, racial disparities in Internet access and the ever growing gap between the rich and the poor. All have its influence on who goes without computers, in turn who goes without Internet access.

Outside, the United States already lags behind in technology, especially in its relationship to the Internet. For example, Japan has been using the same Quick-Response (QR Codes) we here the the US are just starting to pick up on for years. Even less-wealthy nations have been able to stay ahead of the US in Internet technology. But apart from technology, the US also falls behind in the areas of broadband speed, access and connectivity.

The growing Digital Divide is nothing new and will continue to be a problem as technology expands. We here at HypeGirls will continue to follow this trending topic, so stayed tuned for part 2!

Below is a info-graphic from our friends at, an ad-free, informational resource for individuals looking to pursue IT degree of related education and careers created this info-graphic, where I found some surprising information about the differences in Internet access in the United States.



*This article was reposted with permission from FreeFlow Interactive

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Nicky Dawkins

Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via

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