FEATURESFeminine HealthMotherhood
I Did Vaginal Steaming And I Liked It

What the heck is vaginal steaming? Pure awesomeness. I experienced my first vaginal steam after giving birth to my son. My natural birth left me with a small 1st degree tear that didn’t want to heal as quickly as I would’ve liked. Both my midwife and my gynecologist recommended vaginal steaming, so I was immediately intrigued.
Vaginal steaming is actually an old process and is an effective treatment for many vaginal aliments including endometriosis, post partum, fibroids, infections and menstrual problems. Steaming brings heat to the pelvis and the womb, increasing circulation and energy flow. It all sounds good to me!
This vaginal healing method is nothing new. Eastern medicine has use this method to help heal and cure vagina problems for ages, but it is just starting to catch on in the US. I love to try new natural methods, I consider myself a bit of a guinea pig in that way. I was able to get a bit more info from Kimberley Homer, the owner of Cultivate a Better U who specializes in everything va-jay-jay. She is also one of the midwives at my maternity center, so I knew she knew what she was doing.
“Vaginal steaming and soaking can really help with any vaginal issue. It is the most natural way to soothe, tone and heal tissues on the area.” says Kimberley. “I choose specific herbs to increase the healing benefits of the steam, depending on the condition being treated.” For me, the issue was slow healing and general vagina pain after giving birth. I had the option of going to an actual location and having the steam done, but let’s be honest – I just gave birth and was not trying to leave my house. So, Kim was kind enough to create a special blend for me and brought the whole system right over to my condo which was pretty amazing.
I have to admit, I was nervous to sit and have this lady steam my vag right in the middle of my bedroom. But I womaned up and found that the process really wasn’t so bad.

Basically Kim brought over a mini wooden box with a seat that I sat on like I do a toilet bowl. The herbs were place in a long tube which connected to the box and released the steam right on up there. The tube didn’t touch or go inside my vagina, it can’t be too close or you will get burned. I only had to undress from the bottom down, and because I was home I had was able to wear my own fluffy bathrobe to make me feel more comfortable. So I closed my eyes, grit my teeth and sat my ass down, making sure legs were far apart and my vag was open enough to get in some steam.
At first, it felt hot. Like really hot. Ok, too hot. But I simply let Kim know and she adjusted the steam to level I was comfortable with. After that, I was good to go. After just a few minutes my room filled up with an flowery herbal smell. It took a few more minutes for me to actually feel the warmth of the steam – I hadn’t shaved in forever and had since grew a nice um…barrier. It actually turned out to be a good cover from the steam. After more time passed, I could feel my vagina pulsating and the pain from my tear fade away. I also think the steam may have aroused me a bit – my lower parts felt a lot more moisturized than before. But hey, this could be just the steam right?
I sat and steamed for about 40 mins which was what Kim recommended for my condition. From what I’ve researched, typical treatment is anywhere from 20 mins to an hour. I couldn’t imagine steaming my vag that long, but I guess it depends on your personal situation. I spent the whole time just talking to Kim about girl stuff, which helped me forget I was bottomless with steam blowing up my vag. In the end, the cost of my vaginal steam was just $80. Not a bad price to pay for a healthier vagina!
After the steam, I admit my lady parts actually felt a lot better. I didn’t experience any more stinging pain or general discomfort days after I did the steam. It was like my vag had a fresh start or something. But the healing wasn’t completely done, I still had a sore spot that needed more attention. So in addition to steaming the vagina, Kim recommend I try vaginal soaking a couple times a week until I was fully healed. She ended up mailing me some vagina tea to soak with. Oh yes, you read that right. And yes it did work in just one week. But that’s a whole another blog
In the end, I would definitely recommend vaginal steaming to any new mom who went through a natural birth. Even if you didn’t tear, it really does help the healing process and revamps your vag. It’s painless and affordable and it may even be good for sexual arousal! But I will have to research that aspect and get back to you. The great part about vaginal steaming is you can actually create your own blend and steam at home. Stay tuned for more on how to make that happen
Til next time mamas!
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