The Life Sucker, if you haven’t had one of these relationships baby get on your knees and give thanks right now! It’s seriously one of the most tiring experiences I’ve had to deal with, but with every bad relationship there are always it’s positive times and butterfly infested moments. I have to admit that I was into this guy, it was bizarre when I think about it. There was nothing attractive about this kid, not my type at all but somehow we clicked. He seemed nice and there it began. Going in I didn’t think he would be prince charming, I looked at him as something to pass the time especially because it was a long distance situation… BUT then he moved back home and I got a glimpse of horror. This Life Sucking catastrophe surely did exactly what his name suggests. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear dolls, JEALOUSY IS NOT CUTE!! If you find yourself being jealous with your significant other do not pass it off as you caring because you have more to worry about than where your honey is, do yourself and your partner a favor and learn how to be single, trust me you will appreciate me in the morning 🙂 As I was saying, jealousy—not cute— dude was too insecure within himself and felt that I should be controlled. It was always “where you going?” or “who you with?” and frankly now I know very well not to let this happen ever again but at that point I was seriously letting this slide and when I got fed up his head was literally too big to even listen to me. GRRRR! I wanted out but couldn’t and didn’t want to break his heart. Until a very wise friend told me to MAN UP and get it over with. I ended it but he didn’t get the idea of us being done; so we spiraled back into this toxic relationship, it was horrible. I spent most of my time crying because I felt trapped—I know, Dumb Girl Moment. When I finally got tired of being sick and tired, I took the step to attempt to close the chapter but let me tell you how this fool tried me, he decided to get all Thug-Life on me and call me all the names in the book! I was about to get crazy and cut him lol and then he told me that I was the “worst thing to ever happen to him” -_- <—- that was the facial expression I made when I heard that. I let him be and he let me be.
Honeybees: Please don’t hold on to a relationship that you are no longer happy in under any circumstances necessary. You never know if holding on to that Life Sucker is the only thing in the way of meeting the next guy who makes your heart feel like it’s going to burst.
Last words for the Life Sucker: I may have been the worst thing to happen to you darling, but there are many who can say different and rest-assured that the gorgeous doll that stands by me now swears that I’m the BEST thing that has ever happened to him.
Until Next Time Honeybees <3