All Natural Saline Solution for Cold & Allergy Season

made with Himalayan Pink Salt

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This has been a year of crazy, weather here in Miami. And for me, this year has also been the first time my son has attended preschool – and we all know what that means. Between Mother Nature being bipolar and my kid swapping germs at school, staying healthy this year has been a real challenge. My family has had to deal with a cycle of on and off fevers, heavy coughs, and stuffy noses. BLAH.

And just when thought it was over – BOOM here comes allergy season! Can we mamas ever get a break?

Fortunately for me, back in December, I discovered an amazing family brand, DrKids, at a local mommy event here in Miami. Not only were they super nice and knowledgeable, but they actually had a fantastic product to share with me called Himasal. Himasal is an all natural saline solution that is made with Himalayan Pink Salt.

All Natural Saline Solution - Himasal Pink Salt

If you keep up with my posts, then you know I am all about everything natural – especially when it comes to what I use for my kid. I had never seen a saline solution made with Himalayan pink salt, so I was immediately intrigued.

But what really struck my interest was the fact that they came in individually dosed, disposable vials based on your child’s age. I mean, how amazing is that!?

Himasal offers two different variations, one for babies under 1 year of age, and the other size is for kids aged 1+. Both come with 30 single-dose vials that you can break off when ready to use. 

So, there is no measuring, no chance of overdosing and no worrying about spreading old germs because you toss the vial when you are done. That is a lot of pressure off any mom’s shoulders!

All Natural Saline Solution - Himasal Pink Salt

And the best part? Himasal actually works. It cleared up my son’s clogged nose very quickly…and it was perfect for breaking up all those gross, crusty boogers that form up there. With just a couple drops and a few good blows, his nasal cavities were completely clear. Winning.

Now, I have to admit, it did take a few times for Nasir to let me drop the solution into his nose. I had to do it on myself first so he could see that it was ok – it works on moms too. But now that he got used to the process, he is more than willing to tilt his head back and let me clear out his icky nose! 

In short, I think Himasal is the solution to many of concerns that we moms face when it comes to using OTC drugs on our children. Himasal will give you peace of mind because it is:

  • Hygienic
  • Simple to use 
  • Comes in single pre-dosed vials
  • And the vials completely portable. I keep some in my car, my diaper bag, my medicine cabinet, my mom’s house etc.

So, if your child is suffering from seasonal allergies, cold or flu I highly recommend using Himasal Nasal Saline Solution. Not only does it work extremely well, but it is also very gentle and can be used on a daily basis if needed. Even on you, Mom 🙂

You can find DrKids Himasal Natural Nasal Saline Solution on Amazon, and you can snag yours right now from my Amazon shop by clicking here

Want to try a free sample? Email me at nicky@hypegirls.com and I will hook you up Mama!

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Nicky Dawkins

Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched PERIOD.org's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via nicky@hypegirls.com

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