
How To Keep Your Cool This Summer

Story Highlights

  • Find the free water
  • Find the not so free water
  • Go frozen
  • Freshen up
  • Wear less (or no) clothes

Everyone loves summer! In fact, some people spend the whole year anxiously waiting for it. Everyone is in a better mood, the birds’ chirps are chirpier, and the suns’ rays shine brighter. Summer is a great time to get out and have fun, to do the things you enjoy but maybe weren’t able to do during other seasons. However, along with brighter rays and days comes sizzling summer heat, one very inconvenient outcome amongst its many enjoyable ones.

In fact, it’s the main aspect of summer that often comes to be such an annoyance that at times it makes summer unbearable for some. So we thought we’d come up with a very short list of things you could do to keep your cool in the summer heat so you can have a more refreshing, pleasurable, summer.

Keep Your Cool

Find the free water

If you’re lucky enough to live close to an ocean, river or lake, take advantage! Go to the beach, swim in the lake or get your friends together for a day of adventure on the river. It makes sense to make the most of the heat by doing activities that actually require hot days. Think about playing water sports such as kayaking, beach volleyball or paddle-boarding- the options are endless! Now if you happen to have your own private pool, just know that you are required by law to have a kick-ass summer pool party. Keep that in mind. 🙂

Find the not so free water

Ok, so we aren’t all fortunate enough to have bodies of water in our neighborhoods. But chances are, you have a local water park or community pool you can visit. It may be free or it may cost a fee, but it will be worth it! If you have kids, water parks are a great fun-filled family outing that will keep the both busy and cool. Consider linking up all your mommy friends for a fun group playdate at the water park or family swim lessons at the community pool.

Raspberry Pop

Go frozen

Hello!? What’s summer without frozen drinks! I mean, who doesn’t love frozen daiquiris or margaritas after (or in the middle) of a hot day! I know I do. You can get even more creative by making spiked popsicles or ice cubes to keep you both cool and a little buzzed. Need something for the kids? Try making some healthy organic fruitsicles or frozen yogurt balls. Yummy!

Freshen up

Believe it or not, keeping your breath minty fresh can actually make you feel cooler. Try drinking cold water with a mint or mint gum in your mouth. Not only will it cool you off instantly, but it will also keep your breath nice and fresh – you never know who you might run into!

Keep Your Cool

Wear less (or no) clothes

A change in season is always a fantastic excuse to go shopping! Put away those spring jackets and cardigans, and bring out those cute highwaisted shorts and crop tops. Sometimes in the heat, less in best!

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Nicky Dawkins

Nicky is crunchy, DIY mama and established entrepreneur based in sunny Miami, FL. She is the founder of HypeGirls and Werk it Moms LLC. Nicky also launched PERIOD.org's Miami Chapter - PERIOD Miami. She has a love for feminine health and is currently a Doula (DT) under Mama Glow. Nicky holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communications from Florida International University and a Master's of Science Degree in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University. To contact Nicky email her directly via [email protected]

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