WTF: What The Fashion?!

We are back and no one is safe from committing tragic fashion “faux pas” if you’re committing them, we are spotting you and putting you on FULL BLAST. This week’s WTF moment goes to…drum roll please… Women going bra-less while wearing sheer tops!

Here we go! Men will oppose to our frowning upon this because… well they want to see the goodies. However, this is a no go! Don’t pretend to be cute and innocent thinking that because it’s a black sheer top you wouldn’t expose it all because guess what? You did.
Sheer tops are becoming increasingly popular; they give a sweet touch to the sexy vixen look. Be careful though you must wear a bra especially if you are top heavy don’t have “the girls” flying solo if they are not” happy” boobies! Secondly, sheer tops never came with a “Wear me bra-less” sign. There are plenty of solutions to this breast petals are great, use caution though don’t be tacky and wear a zebra print petal under a purple sheer top, stick to nude, you’ll thank me later.